The Shires of Somery - Lynnestshire


Click to go back! Area: 39,682 (2)
Approx. pop. 1,000,000 (12)
Pop.density: 25/ (23)
Shire seat: Lynnest
Mail code: LY
Motto: E multis arboribus silva
(Out of many trees a forest)

Lynnest Shire Moot
17, Ashill Str.

Tel. 050 - 77 70 00


The shire, occupying the southern two thirds of lathe Lynnest, a region known as True Lynnest, plus Hundred Troswy in lathe Elvery is dominated by the Lynne valley and Tulldover Bay. To the west lies one of the quaintest parts of the Somerish countryside, the Lynnest Wolds, an area of rolling hills and small villages. Even the comparatively large towns of Ackridge and Dovery still retain their small town character, and the gently rolling hills and the valleys in between are scattered with towns and hamlets that on the outside look very much the same as they have for centuries.

Where the hills rise on the east side of the river Lynne lies Michelweald, the largest woodland area in the country, covering most of northern and western parts of the shire, extending into the bordering shires. A large part of the woodlands are set aside as the Michelweald National Woodland Park. It contains botanically interesting areas of primeval forest.

1. Lynnest (Borough)
2. Lymmouth
3. Sparcrest
4. Wardlin
5. Mauldwich
6. Troswy
7. Parwich
8. Towndon
9. Thunbourne
10. Roxington
11. Ferningham
12. Thurwich
13. N. Lynnest Wolds
14. S. Lynnest Wolds
15. Calvern
16. Blaine

The flag is an interpretation of the symbol on the shield of the coat of arms.

The wing is taken from the arms of the family Ashill, which was the most important dynasty of thanes in lathe Lynnest. The trees on the crest refer to the arms of the same lathe. Two horses act as supporters.