The Shires of Somery - Campshire


Click to go back! Area: 38,821 (3)
Approx.pop. 1,200,000 (9)
Pop.density: 31/ (21)
Shire seat: Campton
Mail code: CA
Motto: Amare non bellum inferre
(To make love, not war)


The shire covers the part of lathe Mar called Camden Mar, i.e. the valleys of the rivers Cam and Dewre, both flowing into the Mordewre Bay. The thane of Mar had his court in Marthen, which is in today's Marthenshire, while Camden Mar was ruled on his behalf by a stead thane seated in Campton.

The eastern and northern boundaries are formed by the ridges of the Rimn Hills, which boast with some of the highest hills north of the Angel Mts, crowned by Monrowry Hill in Hundred Rowry. Being the highest peak of the Rimn Hills it contributes to the northern part of the shire being a mountainous inland. For those interested in skiing the Rimn Hills may be a cheaper alternative to the sometimes overcrowded Dellswyshire Dawes, although snowfall can be fickle.


1. Campton (Borough)
2. Camwy
3. Shirtree
4. Milnham
5. Inglestowe
7. Rownham
8. Dewsbury
9. Lanmore
10. Dunyon
11. Colwirth
12. Chiplith
13. Ryden
14. Dewlea
15. Towelaugh
16. Camlet
17. Lowley
18. Rowry

The chevron is taken from from the coat of arms.

The chevron, reminiscent of a tent, alludes to the name of the shire, as does the tent on the crest, while the crown refers to the Stead Thane of Camden Mar. Supporters are two dunfaroughs, fabulous beasts of Estron mythology, who carry the banner of Camden Mar. The hearts refer to the motto.