The Shires of Somery - Newspapers



To the left you can you can see some of the newspapers in Somery, from top to bottom:

The Hornblower
Nationwide paper, one of the most respectable in the country.

The Winster Beadle
News from Winster and the West Midlands area.

The Melster Wheel
Daily paper of the north-east.

News from Cornantshire, Morentwyshire, Willset and Farnset/Orchid Is.

Marthen Sundries
Paper for Marthenshire and Washfordshire.

West Midlands News Warden
Paper covering basically Campshire and Lynnestshire.

Sireset Daily Times
Paper covering more or less the shire of Sireset.

The Daily Elverish
Paper published in Eamouth covering much of the southwest.

The Shirdowrian Kither
Paper covering basically the old lathe of Shirdover.

The Willowbury Frick
Paper for the Willowbury/Slade area.